The Elusive Market

(August 20, 2017 )

The month is August of 2017. You are in a quandry as to whether or not you should be Buying a new home or selling the one you own. Of course both go hand in hand if it is the one you are living in.

This market is a challenging one to navigate at this time based on so many events taking place so let's break it down to see if it is the right time for to make a move:

1) The month of August, always a quiet month based on the amount of families taking advantage of the holidays and getting ready for back to school.

2) Depending on what you are selling or Buying  the new government combined with the green party has created a new uncertainty as to what the market holds. ie.

 farmland and green space will be factors in developing larger pieces of land.

3) Pricing.. The high demanding prices are coming back down to match the market. Pricing is a large factor in whether or not your property will sell. This market is one where the pricing needs to be in line with the current market trend. Those escalating price days are gone for now but are constantly changing. Foreign buyers making the move to Canada and investing are still coming regardless the obstacles put in for them, so depending on what you are selling the market is still promising. Price it well and it will Sell!

4) If you are needing to Buy after you sell, take into consideration that you may take a smaller amount on the sale but you will gain on the Buying end so you still win.

This is a great month for you to make the move as there is motivation for all parties involved as there is less activity happening, so lets talk! 

If you are interested in discussing and having a complimentary home evaluation. I would be happy to meet with you and discuss your options. Sometimes just talking about plans helps with clarity.

Call Tracey today...604.360.1333


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